Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Kenal Kenal Sayang


Memang lama menyepi... bz dengan family & tugas2 yang tk pernah habis. Hmmm... lets just start again.. I am a mom of 4 now (2014) , a homemaker, own biz online since 2012, berbiz sambil jaga anak2. hehehe..

Active kt FB under Razalina Rahim (boleh search and add me as friend if u want to). and also my FB shopping page Lets.Shopping.2013 , selling handbags and all sorts of stuff that I think I can sell :) wink ! wink! 

A part from that I am a SHAKLEE user & member. So I do help friends & family to get SHAKLEE product with the best price ! wink! wink! 

The best part is I do all these kt rumah in front of my laptop. Tak de tekanan sebab tak perlu keluar buat sales or delivery. (dropship) shaklee pun boleh order online... berenti utk masak or bersihkan anak2 and tido hehehe..

Anyway.... I welcome myself to the world of blogging.. Hope to see this blog updated.. insya allah..

Rezeki itu milik Allah.. bersyukur diberi kesihatan, keselamatan, keluarga. iman dan agama yang benar.

Semoga kita semua di bawah lindungan Nya. amin..

take care u all..

Lots of Lov

Jom Jom..loose ur INCH with CINCH! 

1 comment:

ChAm@CiDa said...

Happy blogging sis.. woot woot hihi